
Compatibility layers have been introduced with version 0.2.4, Gensim and BERTopic can now be used with topicwizard.


sklearn compatible pipelines for Gensim models can be created once you have a dictionary and a topic model object available, topicwizard is compatible with LSI, LDA (also multicore) and NMF.

First you need to train a Gensim dictionary and topic model.

from gensim.corpora.dictionary import Dictionary
from gensim.models import LdaModel

texts: list[list[str] = [
    ['computer', 'time', 'graph'],
    ['survey', 'response', 'eps'],
    ['human', 'system', 'computer'],
dictionary = Dictionary(texts)
bow_corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
lda = LdaModel(bow_corpus, num_topics=10)

Then you need to create a pipeline with topicwizard.

import topicwizard
from topicwizard.compatibility import gensim_pipeline

pipeline = gensim_pipeline(dictionary, model=lda)
# Then you can use the pipeline as usual
corpus = [" ".join(text) for text in texts]
topicwizard.visualize(pipeline=pipeline, corpus=corpus)
topicwizard.compatibility.gensim.gensim_pipeline(dictionary, model) TopicPipeline#

Creates sklearn compatible wrapper for a Gensim topic pipeline.

  • dictionary (gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary) – Gensim’s dictionary object. Please only pass already fitted dictionary objects.

  • model (LdaModel | LdaMulticore | Nmf | LsiModel) – Gensim topic model. The model should already be fitted.


Sklearn compatible topic pipeline wrapping the Gensim topic model.

Return type:



You can create a topicwizard pipeline from a BERTopic pipeline fairly easily.

First you need to construct a BERTopic model. The model does not have to be pretrained. If you don’t train it, it will be automatically fitted when running the app.

BERTopic models have to be wrapped in a compatibility layer to be used with topicwizard.


BERTopic models are now first-class citizens of topicwizard, and have native support.

from bertopic import BERTopic
from topicwizard.compatibility import BERTopicWrapper

model = BERTopic(language="english")
wrapped_model = BERTopicWrapper(model)

You can either produce a TopicData object with this model or use it directly in the web app.

import topicwizard

# Start the web app immediately
topicwizard.visualize(corpus, model=wrapped_model)

# Or produce a TopicData object for persistance or figures.
topic_data = wrapped_model.prepare_topic_data(corpus)
class topicwizard.compatibility.bertopic.BERTopicWrapper(model)#

Wrapper for BERTopic models to be used in topicwizard.


model (BERTopic) – BERTopic model to wrap.

prepare_topic_data(corpus: List[str], embeddings: ndarray | None = None) TopicData#

Produces topic data for visualizations in topicwizard.

  • corpus (list of str) – Corpus to infer topic data for.

  • embeddings (ndarray of shape (n_documents, n_dimensions)) – Contextual embeddings to use for topic discovery.


We do not provide support for direct usage of Top2Vec models, since Top2Vec models can be represented exactly in terms of Turftopic’s abstractions.

We therefore recommend that if you intend to use Top2Vec models, construct a model from scratch in Turftopic.

pip install turftopic
pip install umap-learn
pip install scikit-learn>=1.3.0
from turftopic import ClusteringTopicModel
from sklearn.cluster import HDBSCAN
import umap

# This has the exact same behaviour as Top2Vec models.
top2vec = ClusteringTopicModel(

topicwizard.visualize(corpus, model=top2vec)


Writing a wrapper for Top2Vec models shouldn’t be too hard, but we do not intend on maintaining one.


CTM models are not supported out of the box, because CTM’s behaviour can be replicated using AutoEncodingTopicModel from Turftopic.

from turftopic import AutoEncodingTopicModel

zeroshot_tm = AutoEncodingTopicModel(10, combined=False)
combined_tm = AutoEncodingTopicModel(10, combined=True)

topicwizard.visualize(corpus, model=zeroshot_tm)


Writing a wrapper for CTM models shouldn’t be too hard, but we do not intend on maintaining one.

Custom Topic Models#

Classical Models with TopicPipeline#

You can write topic models, which are compatible with topicwizard. If you have a topic model, which rests on the bag-of-words assumption this is a fairly straightforward task.

Vectorizer components of the pipeline should have the following properties:

from typing import Iterable

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

# All of your components should ideally be inherited from BaseEstimator
class CustomVectorizer(BaseEstimator):

   # All vectorizers should have a transform method,
   # that turns raw texts into sparse arrays
   # of shape (n_documents, n_features)
   def transform(self, raw_documents: Iterable[str], y=None):

   # All vectorizers should have a get_feature_names_out method, that
   # returns a dense array of feature names
   def get_feature_names_out(self) -> np.ndarray:

Topic model components should follow the following structure:

# Same thing, BaseEstimator is a good thing to have
class CustomTopicModel(BaseEstimator):

    # All topic models should have a transform method, that takes
    # the vectorized documents and returns a sparse or dense array of
    # topic distributions with shape (n_docs, n_topics)
    def transform(self, X):

    # All topic models should have a property or attribute named
    # components_, that should be a dense or sparse array of topic-word
    # distributions of shape (n_topics, n_features)
    def components_(self) -> np.ndarray:

Any Model / Contextual Models#

Contextual models have to follow the following interface, and have to be able to produce a TopicData objects:

from topicwizard.model_interface import TopicModel
from import TopicData

# TopicModel is only a Protocol, the model inferits no behaviour,
# it just provides static checks
class CustomTopicModel(TopicModel):
   def prepare_topic_data(
       corpus: list[str],
   ) -> TopicData: