Getting Started#


Neofuzz can be simply installed by installing the PyPI package.

pip install neofuzz


If you just need a quick and dirty algorithm, that will probably get the job done for you, I recommend using the Character n-gram process, that comes built in with Neofuzz.


If you find that this process is good for your use case, just stick with it.

from neofuzz import char_ngram_process

# Some corpus of strings you want to search in.
options: List[str] = []

# Create a process
process = char_ngram_process()

# Index the options, so that searches can be fast

# Then you can use the process the same way as in TheFuzz
process.extract("fuzz", limit=10)
[('fuzzer', 67),
 ('Januzzi', 30),
 ('Figliuzzi', 25),
 ('Fun', 20),
 ('Erika_Petruzzi', 20),
 ('zu', 20),
 ('Zo', 18),
 ('blog_BuzzMachine', 18),
 ('LW_Todd_Bertuzzi', 18),
 ('OFU', 17)]

In case you want to speed things up even more, you need semantic search or better results, you might want to build a custom Process.